Game Changers - Webcomics



Villains Are Destined to Die (a.k.a. Death is the Only Ending for the Villainess)

Illustration of a woman with long pink hair staring resolutely ahead. Behind her are vertical lines like bars, and behind that, a taller black-haired man looking coldly back towards her

Author's summary:

"This game’s got me obsessed! It’s like it’s taken over my life... wait—HARD MODE ACTIVATED. No-no-no-no-no! It has literally taken me and thrown me into the part of Penelope Eckhart. Love is easy as the heroine, but as the hated villain, I’m trying very hard not to die… at the hands of my brothers… the prince… a fork… every possible ending is death! This world is stacked against me, but can my wits and insider game knowledge score the affection of these male characters? Or the reset button???"

My summary:

The protagonist, Cha Siyeon, has only recently escaped her toxic home life and started to attend a prestigious university. But all around her, all anyone can talk about is this new reverse harem dating sim and, curious, she begins playing easy mode, only to become completely obsessed. She passes easy mode easily, and gets started on beating hard mode — only hard mode is MUCH harder. Absolutely any choice she makes seems to end in death, no matter what she tries. Exhausted, she passes out after yet another failure... Only to wake up in hard mode.

With her new video game family only reminding her of the toxic life she worked so hard to leave, she'll have to be ruthlessly logical if she wants to make it out of this game alive. How can she turn the tables on this game that only wants her dead, and Which of the four potential suitors will be the easiest to manipulate into loving her so she can finally escape?

Reasons why it's a Game Changer:

The thought that has gone into the art of this story is astounding. There is much symbolism (some of which I suspect we're yet to understand) and it's wonderfully vibrant. The characters are all fully fleshed out, some showing true affection to the protagonist (though she doesn't realise it), others showing dangerous tendencies towards her (again, the depths of which are often unrealised). This was one of the first webcomics I read in which the main character was so ruthless about their path too, and this is still one of the best examples I've seen. She knows what she wants and she will do what she needs to get it. As to that, I think it's clear which of the suitors is truly the one for her...