Game Changers - Music

A mix of albums and songs, these are all the Game Changers in music for me! Obviously music can straddle more than one genre, so take my genre divisions with a pinch of salt.



I do sympathise with the bands of the time who rejected or pushed back against the "emo" label, because it is true that a number of them are not united by one cohesive sound, but more a common audience. Nevertheless, it is the simplest way to group these bands, and most of them have come to accept, if not embrace, the term.

Fall Out Boy

Fall Out Boy is such a big part of my music life that it is impossible to pick just one album as a Game Changer, because many are, in their own ways. Therefore, welcome to the Fall Out Boy Section of this page. Unlike with most pages here, I've gone with release order to keep things tidy (in my mind, at least).

From Under the Cork Tree

Album cover of From Under the Cork Tree. A view from the audience of a theatre stage, several black-and-white people looking like cardboard cutouts facing the stage, which has the red curtains drawn back to reveal a van with a trailer buried in snow.
Reasons why it's a Game Changer

This album feels very much like it could have passed me by, and I really wonder about the life a Fall Out Boy-less me would have led. I had, a few years after a best friend from primary school had moved, reached out to them using the then popular MSN and caught up with how they were doing, what they were into, etc. etc.. They mentioned that they were into Fall Out Boy, who I had never heard of. They sent me a copy of Dance, Dance (one of their singles), which I went out and listened to whilst walking my dog. My first thought was... You like this?

I don't know what to say. Dance, Dance to me isn't the song you introduce Fall Out Boy on. It's not a first time easy-listener, not to me at least (I have similar feelings about XO on the album and There's a Reason These Tables Are Numbered Honey... by Panic! At the Disco). I wasn't keen on the verses, though I think I was more understanding of where the chorus was coming from. Well, either way, I was not enticed to listen to any further music from Fall Out Boy... Yet. You see, I was a little too lazy to go through the process of removing the song from my iPod and every time it came back on shuffle, I thought 'I'll just listen again, maybe this time I'll see why they liked this song'. And eventually, it grew on me.

Fall Out Boy was very much in the public consciousness at that point, so when I spotted both From Under the Cork Tree (having Dance, Dance on it) and Infinity on High, their most recent albums in a supermarket, I begged my mum to buy them for me, curious about what other music they might have in store that I would grow to like. The rest, as they say, was history. I fell in love with both almost instantly.

This album reminds me a little of my feelings towards earlier Beatles albums in a way. The level of experimentation of their later albums isn't there, but that doesn't mean that this is by any means a weak album. The music is solid and honestly different to any other band out there at the time or since (honestly, if anyone can prove me wrong on this, be my guest — I heavily lament that there isn't a band like Fall Out Boy out there that isn't Fall Out Boy), and the lyrics are a treat to listen to (half the fun is trying to decipher them). This album is filled with nostalgia for me and honestly, every song on it still holds up (though, in view of Dance, Dance and some others, I will not claim that they are all songs you love on first listen — some of them are slow-burns, but isn't that lovely, falling in love with a song over time?). Plus, this was deep in Fall Out Boy's infamous titling era, so you get to enjoy such classics as "Our Lawyer Made Us Change The Name Of This Song So We Wouldn't Get Sued", "Champange For My Real Friends, Real Pain For My Sham Friends" and "A Little Less Sixteen Candles, A Little More Touch Me".

Please enjoy the selection of tracks below which, as per the above backstory, does not include Dance, Dance for first time listeners ;) It does, however, include Our Lawyer... which as an opener to the album comes in hard: "Put this record back down. We'll only disappoint you". Gotta love it.

Infinity On High

Album cover of Infinity On High. A bedroom with starry wallpaper, a giant crescent moon to the left and appearing to hover above a sheep with wings standing in the room
Reasons why it's a Game Changer

As mentioned above, I picked this album up at the same time as From Under the Cork Tree and I would say that, contrary to my feelings on some of the songs on that album which I have nevertheless come to love, I fell in love with this album immediately. It is probably most consistently my favourite album (occasionally From Under the Cork Tree or Folie á Deux takes its place, but not ever for long).

This album taught me that you cannot ever expect Fall Out Boy to stay in place. They are constantly evolving and trying to broaden out from what they've done before. You're a fool if you expect their albums to sound the same. So, whilst From Under the Cork Tree may arguably fit with the "emo" sound in some ways (at a stretch), Infinity on High is a much more "mainstream"-sounding album in many ways. This is not to say that the earlier influences aren't there — heavy guitar features on the album opener "Thriller" — but there is a lot more overt experimentation with the genre in the guitar riffs and spoken pieces.

In contrast to From Under the Cork Tree, my honest opinion is that Infinity on High is probably beginning to end filled with songs that most anyone could listen to and find something to enjoy on a first listen. So, please enjoy the selection of tracks below. Honestly, I couldn't limit myself to three this time, but for one of my all-time favourite albums, maybe we can make an exception.

Folie á Deux

Album cover of Folie á Deux. Against a red background, a person in a pale-brown bear suit carries a dark brown bear on their back. The dark brown bear has its mouth open in a snarl, paws raised.
Reasons why it's a Game Changer

This album is the one I always consider as Fall Out Boy's magnum opus. There is not one miss, not one song that needs a second listen to enjoy, and in terms of their experimentation, is probably the tightest album to come from it. As per Fall Out Boy creed, the sound of this album shifts somewhat from Infinity on High, but I would say that this is probably one of the smallest shifts, other than Evening Out With Your Girlfriend to From Under the Cork Tree. It's not actually my favourite album, but I think that it neatly shows how Fall Out Boy doesn't ever stand still or stick to one particular sound, and does have some of my favourite Fall Out Boy songs and/or lyrics on it.


The Trick to Life by The Hoosiers

Album cover of the Trick to Life, yellow version. The band name and album title are bordered by various cartoon renderings of characters and events in the songs, and at the bottom of the border is a pair of narrowed eyes.
Reasons why it's a Game Changer

This is the first Game Changer I remember in my life. One Christmas, whilst I was putting up decorations with my mum and sister, I saw out of the corner of my eye an advert for this album that showed a bit of the video for Goodbye Mr. A and I thought it looked like an interesting video, so I looked it up later — and instantly fell in love.

I still maintain, what must be near 20 years later, that this album is bop after bop, beginning to end. They don't make a single misstep in my view and I could listen to any song, any time.

The album doesn't just stick to one particular sound within the genre — the Hoosiers manage to nail both the bouncier and slower tracks, whilst keeping the album consistent with the overall, a little bit dark, a little bit tongue-in-cheek theme. Please enjoy the selection of tracks below, which includes the music video that started it all for me.

Incidentally, the Hoosiers were born out of the Hoosier Complex, which is the artist of the song in my player at the top of the page. Feel free to give it a listen too :)