Game Changers

I read a lot of fics. Inevitably, this means I've seen a lot of different scenarios play out. Often, new fics I come across are therefore re-treads of ideas I've seen elsewhere. This doesn't mean I can't or don't love those fics! Sometimes the joy of a fic is just reading another interpretation of a trope you love or a particular plotline in another space.

However, this doesn't mean there aren't certain areas where I feel some ground is so well-trodden that I find it hard to see why this particular fic should rise above the rest. Particularly in fandoms where I have strong opinions about canon (including but not limited to characterisation, themes and plo), that do not appear to be shared by the fandom at large, this can mean I end up reading a lot of works that really don't bring anything special to the table for me.

Thus, it can be a momentous occasion when I stumble across a fic that makes me think, 'Oh. This author gets it'. Or a fic that makes me go 'Oh. I get it now'. These are what I call 'Game Changers': fics so good they made me reassess the idea that I'd seen it all before.

I've described these Game Changers above with reference to fics, but truth is, I can have this sense of 'oh' with any piece of media. So, for your reading pleasure, please enjoy my opinions on Game Changes in the following categories: